“What does the ABPS do for me?”
- The ABPS provides a platform for communication within UK philately through its publications: information leaflets; ABPS News (issued four times a year) which publicises the work of affiliated societies and reports on developments within philately. This includes free or reduced cost adverts for philatelic related events; The Executive Bulletin keeping societies up to date; the website provides useful information for society secretaries and allows any potential member to find society details and includes a listing of philatelic lecturers and displays to help societies to find speakers. We also distribute a range of free information leaflets offering advice on many aspects of philately.
- ABPS supports the growth of stamp collecting among the young by sponsoring and encouraging youth philately, for example through Stamp Active Network and Kidstamps.
- The ABPS has a Small Grants Scheme that assists Federations, Clubs, Societies or individuals to fund projects or events that otherwise they would not be able to carry out and in particular those promoting philately.
- Our website www.abps.org.uk carries a huge amount of information about news and events relating to affiliated societies and in the philatelic world including links to affiliated clubs. This has been improved to provide even more information for philatelists.
- The ABPS officially links UK philately with the wider philatelic world through the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie and the Federation of European Philatelic Associations. As such, it is the voice of UK philately in the national and international arena.
- The ABPS has partnered with Magnet Insurance (formerly Stamp Insurance Services) to offer a 10% discount on Society Insurance Cover. Download more information here.
- Provides advice on matters related to the hobby such as Data Protection.
- ABPS organises the annual Philatelic Congress of Great Britain, recognising those who have achieved international recognition for their outstanding studies and research in the philatelic sphere, demonstrated through their own collections and in their writings.
- The ABPS can provide a free website and free advertising in ABPS News for affiliated societies.
- Nominations for an Award of Merit can be accepted from Federations, Affiliated Specialist Societies and Affiliated Local Societies and specifically in respect of service to those respected bodies and philately.
- The ABPS impacts on most UK philatelists by supporting major annual events at various locations around the country e.g. STAMPEX and MIDPEX. These give an opportunity for individual collectors to access a wide range of philatelic dealers as a means of finding new material. These events also provide a focus for individuals to exhibit their material and see what others are doing. To support exhibiting the ABPS has recently given away hundreds of exhibition frames to Federations, clubs and Societies. The philatelic shows are sometimes organised locally by one of the Federations affiliated to the ABPS, which will have access to ABPS expertise and the financial backing of the ABPS. Annually the ABPS organises national competitions at STAMPEX. To make these events a success requires collaboration between the world of collectors and the world of dealers. The ABPS provides this by working with the Philatelic Traders Society and other dealers for the common good.
- The ABPS provides the organisation which enables UK philatelists to exhibit and compete internationally (the cost of international exhibiting is borne by those exhibiting). This is a large and complicated operation which is frequently overlooked.
- ABPS runs workshops across the country on all aspects of the hobby. Recent workshops included judging seminars and exhibitors workshops.
The ABPS relies heavily on the support and goodwill of all the UK’s philatelic clubs, societies and federations, and many individuals too. Without the support of all philatelists the opportunities for all this country’s collectors would be drastically reduced and the future of our hobby threatened further. The ABPS is very cost conscious (all the officers of the ABPS are unpaid volunteers) and attempt to give UK philately the best service for the minimum cost. The current annual affiliation fee for a club or society is still only £1.50 per UK member.
You can support ABPS by becoming a Friend or Patron here.