On Friday 18 October, during HAFNIA 24 in Copenhagen, two enlightening seminars were presented to a packed audience by two prominent speakers:
“Open Philately” by Birthe King
A longtime expert and international juror in the Open Philately and Picture Postcards Classes, Ms King delivered her presentation by engaging collectors, exhibitors, and jurors, sharing the magic of exhibiting in Open Philately.
Open the YouTube video here.
“Trends in International Expertising: Technical Innovations, Use of Databases and AI” by Tobias Huylmans
Mr Huylmans, Managing Director of Köhler & Corinphila Holding GmbH, and a member of the International Philatelic Experts (AIEP), outlined examples of available software and hardware used to detect manipulated postage stamps, postmarks, overprints, and covers, even previously certified items that have now received a ‘red flag.’
Open the YouTube video here.
Photo: Examining the genuineness of an overprint