The programme for the Talks at Stampex is now on their website, as below:
Day | Time | Name of Talk | Hosted By |
Friday | 1130am | Tips on Auctions | Thomas Fell Spink shares his tips on auction. |
Saturday | 12 – 2pm | Postcrossing | Join Postcrossing as they host a meet up to celebrate World Postcard Day. Bring along your favourite postcard to share with the group. |
Friday | 130pm | Society Social Media Clinic | Join Graham Beck and Todd Gantzer to ask them questions on social media |
Friday | 1230pm | Modernizing Stamp clubs and societies | Todd Gantzer from Greater Boston Philatelic Society shares with us his thoughts and help on modernising your stamp club. |
Thursday | 1.30pm | Corinphila & Koehler having together 200+ years of traditions in the philatelic auction business by Tobias Huylmans & Jonas Hällström, Managing Directors | The philatelic auction business are continuously changing. Our companies remain with traditional concepts for our businesses, implementing modern adaptations in these classic contexts. |
Thursday | 1230pm | Sperati: The World Famous Forger | Hosted By Marcus Orsi from David Feldman |
Wednesday | 2pm | The One Cent Magenta | George James tell us all about the Worlds Most Expensive & Rarest Stamp |
Wednesday | 1pm | Meet & Greet Graham Beck | Graham Beck AKA Exploring Stamps joins us in the |
For more information about the event, go to the Stampex International website https://www.stampexinternational.com