Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) Press Release: 6th July 2023
The awards for 2023 of the Royal Philatelic Society London were presented at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on 29 June.
The Tapling Medal for the best article in the Society’s journal, The London Philatelist, was awarded to Klaus Weis for his article ‘Special Features of the Franking of Baden Letter Mail to Foreign Countries during the Postage Stamp Era 1851-1871’.
The Tilleard Medal for the best afternoon display given to the Society went to Malcolm Ray-Smith for his display ‘The Royal Mail 1516 to 1766’.
The Lee Medals for the best evening presentation and for the best on-line Zoom presentation were awarded respectively to John Powell for ‘’The Metropolitan Railway and its Railway Letter Service’ and Stewart Gardner for ‘Sealing and Securing the Letter’.
The Crawford Medal for the most valuable and original contribution to the study and knowledge of philately in book form, whether physical or electronic, was awarded to Lars Engelbrecht for his work Postal Stationery of Denmark: the Bi-coloured Issue 1871-1905.
The London Medal for exceptional service to the Society went to Geoff Eibl-Kaye and John Wills for their work on the lighting of the Society’s display frames.
The opportunity was also taken for Bill Hedley, President of the European Federation of Philatelic Associations (FEPA), to present the FEPA Medal for Service to Philately posthumously to Frank Walton. Among Frank’s many achievements was heading the organisation of the London 2022 International Stamp Exhibition. The award was received by Frank’s wife, Liz.
Illustration: Liz Walton receiving the FEPA Medal from Bill Hedley.