Published by Aberdeen Philatelic Society , pp.165, 20.8 x 14.7 cm, soft bound, 70 mainly colour illustrations, index, bibliography, ISBN 978 0 9509891 1 2. Price £12, discount of £2 to members of Societies affiliated to ABPS. By post from 20 Springfield Road, Aberdeen AB15 7RR, £1.50 post and packing; cheques in favour of “Aberdeen Philatelic Society”.
The book was written to celebrate the centennial of a Society which was constituted in 1910 as The Aberdeen and North of Scotland Philatelic Society, but it is more than a history of Scotland’s fourth oldest philatelic society. The way that the Aberdeen Philatelic Society evolved reflects the way that the hobby has changed over the decades, what philatelists chose to collect and study, how they acquire and display, how societies variously conducted their business and how the popularity of stamp collecting and of organised philately has fluctuated over the years.