The ABPS is in the process and reviewing and updating the speakers list on the ABPS website. This periodic review is a key requirement of compliance with data protection regulations. ABPS has written to all speakers who are currently on the list and everyone involved is encouraged to return the compliance form and update their entry, if required. Anyone who fails to respond by 31st December 2023 will, unfortunately, have to be removed from the listing on the website. This is also an opportunity to add a photograph of yourself and images from your display, if you choose to do so. Forms and images can be emailed to vicechair@abps.org.uk
If you are a Society Speaker and would like to add your details to the ABPS website, you can do so by going directly to the Speakers section of the ABPS website and complete the form by clicking on “Add your details to our Speakers database here”.
There is generally a shortage of speakers for Societies and you will be greatly assisting Programme Secretaries by adding your personal details to the website.