Maurice Buxton

Speaker Information

Speaker Name: Maurice Buxton
Area:By arrangement (based in London, Zoom versions available)
Expenses:By arrangement
Contact Number:07977 252 278
Display Terms:Postal HistoryPostal StationeryThematic


  1. "For Safe Conveyance" - GB Registered Mail and Associated Services [Zoom Version]
  2. "The Card Post" [Zoom Version]
  3. GB King George VI Rates and Usages [Zoom Version]
  4. "Philatelic Mail" (worldwide mail that exists in the form it does because people collect stamps) [Zoom Version]
  5. GB Mixed Frankings of the 20th Century [Zoom Version]
  6. Decimalisation and the Post Office [Zoom Version]
  7. The Posts of Torquay [Zoom Version]
  8. GB Strike Mail [Zoom Version]
  9. Usage of GB QEII Pre-Decimal Commemoratives and Regionals [Zoom Version]
  10. "The People's War" (Thematic - Britain in World War II) [Zoom Version]