
The first step in becoming a qualified Judge is to attend a training course, followed by practical training at a UK national exhibition. This can lead to formal accreditation at Federation level. Anyone wishing to progress beyond that level should contact the ABPS Exhibitions Committee.

If you require a judge for one of your competitions, you can search here, and make direct contact. Judges are listed in alphabetical order by Surname. To find an individual Judge, type their Surname into the first Box. To find a selection of Judges, input the Accreditation level (Federation, National or International) and their local area.


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David Alford FRPSL

Brian Asquith FRPSL

Dr Brian Austen

Brian Baldock

Richard Beith FRPSL

Barry Burns FRPSL

Captain Keith Chadwick

Nigel Chandler FRPSL

Peter Cockburn FRPSL

James Crawford

John Davies RDP FRPSL

Martin Davies FRPSL

Alan Druce FRPSL

Dr Jim Etherington FRPSL

Sandy Forbes FRPSL

Chris Forwood

Alan Godfrey FRPSL

James Grimwood-Taylor RDP FRPSL

Chris Harman RDP, Hon FRPSL, RNCP

Phillip Harriman

Bill Hedley FRPSL

Bob Higgins

Colin Hoffman FRPSL

Dr Alan Huggins MBE RDP Hon FRPSL MsC PhD

Richard Husband FRPSL

Gordon Jeffreys FRPSL

Keith Johnson

4 Perry Fields

Julian Jones FRPSL

Lionel Jones

Chris King RDP Hon FRPSL

David Lethbridge

Grahame Lindsey

Victor Macdonald-Evans of Denovan

Gerald Marriner FRPSL

Daphne McMillan FRPSL

Robert McMillan FRPSL

Charlie Mead FRPSL

Tony Morfett

Bernard Osborne

Robin Pizer FRPSL

Captain James Podger FRPSL

Ian Powley

Barbara Priddy

Dr Patrick Reid FRPSL

Simon Richards FRPSL

Geoff Richardson

Mike J Y Roberts FRPSL

Pat Rothnie MBE FRPSL

Colin Searle

Gordon Shepherd

Brian Sole FRPSL

Greg Spring FRPSL

Tony Stanford FRPSL

Richard Stock FRPSL

Brian Stonestreet FRPSL

John Sussex RDP FRPSL

Brian Thurlow

Brian Trotter RDP Hon. FRPSL

Carol Turner FRPSL

Richard West FRPSL

Richard Wheatley FRPSL

Yvonne Wheatley FRPSL

Graham Winters FRPSL

Alan Wishart FRPSL

Paul Woodness

Paul Wreglesworth FRPSL, FRPSNZ
